Drought Management & Water Conservation



Droughts are a recurring challenge in the Southern United States, where water is one of our most vital and limited resources. Drought contingency planning is essential to safeguard water supplies and ensure communities, businesses, and ecosystems can adapt to periods of reduced rainfall. By preparing in advance, we can minimize the impact of drought on public health, economic stability, and the environment.

At Central States Water Resources (CSWR), we are dedicated to helping our communities stay resilient by promoting proactive water management practices and maintaining compliance with these critical requirements. During times of drought, refer to our Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) to understand the restrictions and requirements for each drought stage.



Components of a Drought Contingency Plan:

  1. Water Supply Monitoring: Continuous tracking of water resources
  2. Staged Response Strategies: Adaptable approaches based on drought severity
  3. Conservation Measures: Specific guidelines for water reduction
  4. Emergency Protocols: Preparation for critical water shortage scenarios

Your Role in Water Conservation:

Individual Actions Matter

Everyone can contribute to drought resilience:

  • Fix leaks promptly
  • Use water-efficient appliances
  • Collect and use rainwater
  • Support local conservation initiatives

Drought Stages:

Abnormally Dry (D0)

  • Short Term Dryness
  • May affect crop growth and water supplies

Moderate Drought (D1)

  • Reduced streamflow and reservoirs
  • Some crop and pasture damage
  • Possible water use restrictions

Severe Drought (D2)

  • Significant crop/pasture losses
  • Water shortages are common
  • Increased restrictions on water usage

Extreme Drought (D3)

  • Major crop/pasture losses
  • Widespread water shortages
  • Emergency water measures enacted

Exceptional Drought (D4)
Severe water shortages
Extensive damage to agriculture and ecosystems
Crisis-level impacts on communities

Drought land with cracks in soil

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    Drought Management