Josiah Cox, president and founder of CSWR, took the reporter on a tour of a small, private subdivision in Terre du lac, Missouri. CSWR had recently acquired the water and wastewater systems for that community and Cox was able to show the AP reporter exactly what kind of challenges confronted CSWR when the system was purchased – and how those issues are solved.

It’s precisely these smaller systems that so often present the types of chronic health violations characterizing these vulnerable communities due to a lack of funding, limited re-investment, and poor general management. These systems often fly under the EPA’s radar or simply fail to have consequences imposed on them for the violations they incur. Unfortunately, the area of West Virginia addressed in the article is representative of challenges small communities are facing all across the country.

For CSWR, delivering safe, reliable and environmentally responsible water resources to every community in the U.S. is a mission that drives Cox and his team every day.

To learn more, click here.